Lowongan Kerja di Pertamina

PertaminaPertamina (Perusahaan Tambang Minyak Negara, lit. 'State Oil Extraction Company') is an Indonesian government-owned corporation which extracts and refines the country's oil and gas reserves. It was created in August 1968 by the merger of Pertamin (established 1961) and Permina (established 1957). Pertamina is the world's largest producer and exporter of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
  • Analyst Planning – Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Overseas Source - Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Market Analysis Gas - Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Commercialization Unconventional Gas - Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Market Analysisis Unconventional Gas - Direktorat Gas
  • Chemical Flooding Specialist
  • Gas Flooding Specialist
  • Senior Analyst Trading - Direktorat Gas
  • Secretary to Vice President (VP)
  • Assistant Policy Development - Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Product Development - Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Asset LPG & Gas Distribution - Direktorat Gas
  • QA & QC Engineer - Direktorat Gas
  • Assistant Manager Renewable Energy Project - Direktorat PIMR
Dalam Proses Seleksi, PT Pertamina (Persero) Tidak Melayani Surat Menyurat Dan Tidak Memungut Biaya Apapun (Hati-Hati Dengan Penipuan!)

Details & Apply Online (Expired : 30/11/2012) : Lowongan Pertamina

PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) only invite the best applicants to follow the selection. The decision to call the applicants and determining the outcome of selection is the right of PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO), and can not be contested. In the selection process, PT PERTAMINA (PERSERO) does not serve the correspondence and does not charge anything (be careful with scams!)
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Lowongan Kerja di Universal Synergy

Universal SynergyUniversal Synergy is An Executive Search Consultant which is providing outstanding executive and corporate support both national and multinational companies
. With our expert recruiting Consultant, Universal Synergy - Executive Search Consultant offers high-caliber retained search services to locate and attract professionals equipped with the skills and talents needed by our clients national and multinational companies .
We treat our clients as business partners and offer them a scope of options unparalleled in our industry.

Our Client, a Foreign Investment Company in Sudirman area is seeking suitable candidate to join their team immediatelly.


  • He/she will handle all fieldss of fianance and accounting anagement also general administration fo Jakarta office.
  • Responsible for cashflow forecast and management, tax planning and computation and pre-statutory account.
  • Prepare, coordinate and monitor profit & loss, working capital and business forecast of the company.
  • Work closely with the management and project team on project financial and cost saving initiatives.
  • To assist in overseeing the daily operations of the department.
  • To manage oversea project, analysis and forecasting related to account.
  • Liaise with Tax/Pajak on all tax submission and responsible for annual tax filling
  • Willing to travel – monthly visit to subsidiary company located in Asia Pacific Country
  • Hard working and high commitment and able to meet dateline (report submission).
  • Candidates must possess at least graduate diploma, academic, or professional degree in Accounting or related discipline.
  • At least 5 years of working exposure in the related field.
  • Must be able to communicate (read and write) in English. Knowledge of Chinese is an added advantage
  • Strong analytical, problem solving and self motivated.
  • Mature, trustworthy, dedicated, initiative and result oriented.
  • Must be computer literate with extensive knowledge of Microsoft office application and internet savvy.
  • Good operating knowledge in computerized accounting software system.
  • Able to manage the company’s cashflow requirements and also project’s cost monitoring.
Please send your resume only to:

Universal Synergy - Executive Search Consultant
Email: bukhori@unisynergyconsult.com


Our Cleint, a Multinational Manufacturing company in East Jakarta is seeking suitable candidates to join their team as:

1. - Mechanical Project Engineer
2. - Electrical Project Engineer

- Age Maximum 45 years Old
- Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Reputable University (Mechanical Project Engineer) - Bachelor Degree in Electrical l Engineering from Reputable University (Electrical Project Engineer) - Experienced in handling Factory Building Project from installing till commissioning
- Responsible to search, select and fit and profer test vendor or contractor and Bid process
- Having knowledge of Project Management- Having experiences as Construction Engineer and Factory/plant building project

Are you ready for challenge?

Please send your resume to:
Universal Synergy- Executive Search Consultant

Email: bukhori@unisynergyconsult.com

Note: please quote position you will apply in email subject
ReadmoreLowongan Kerja di Universal Synergy

Lowongan Kerja Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

Bank DanamonPT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk (Danamon) is the second largest private national bank and the fifth largest commercial bank in Indonesia, with a 5% share of the domestic system loans and deposits. Danamon has the widest geographic distribution network of all Indonesian banks with 500 branch offices, 790 ATMs and is well-supported by more than 17,000 employees.

Danamon is recognized as Indonesia's leading SME and consumer bank and also serves corporate and institutional customers across Indonesia. Bank Danamon Indonesia as one of the leading bank in Indonesia is currently searching for a highly qualified professional with proven track record of achievements to take on this challenging role to sustain and prolong its competitive position in the market as:

Do you have what it takes to be one of us


This is a program that will develop you to become leaders in operations group of Bank Danamon Indonesia. Before exposed to the real workplace you will be exited during 9 months of learning program comprising in class training, on the job training, and projects. After equipped with extensive learning experience then you are ready to pursue your further career in the field of operations.


- Bachelor or Master degree (any major)

- Maximum age of 25 for Bachelor and 27 for Master degree

- Strong academic record, GPA Min. 3.00 (scale of 4.00)

- Possess good English communication skill

- Strong leadership potential

- Passion in banking operations

- Creative mind, resilient attitude, adaptation to intense work pace and working hour, also eager to take improvement initiative

Send your resume, education certificates, and recent photograph with a subject: ODP – Operations to: lusia.nawangsih@danamon.co.id cc heppy.heriyati@danamon.co.id and please fill in our application form at Lowongan Bank Danamon.

Qualified candidates will be contacted
ReadmoreLowongan Kerja Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk

Lowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat

Bank MuamalatPT Bank Muamalat Indonesia Tbk was established in 24 Rabius Tsani 1412 H or November 1, 1991, endorsed by the Indonesian Council of Ulemas (MUI) and the Government of Indonesia, and commenced operations in 27 Syawwal 1412 H or May 1, 1992. Supported by the Indonesian Association of Moslem Intellectuals (ICMI) and a group of Moslem entrepreneurs, the founding of Bank Muamalat
also won the support of the general public, evidenced by a Rp 84 billion pledge for the purchase of the Bank's shares on the date when the Articles of Association was signed. Thereafter, in a special meeting commemorating the founding at the Presidential Palace in Bogor, West Java, additional pledges from communities in West Java were raised to reach a total of Rp 106 billion.

Kami memberikan kesempatan anda untuk bergabung pada posisi:
1. Customer Services (CS)
2. Teller (TL)
3. Staff Legal (SL)
4. Back Office (BO)
5. Retail Funding (R-FUN)
6. SME Financing (SME)
7. Consumer Financing (C-FIN)

Klasifikasi Khusus Calon Karyawan
1. Pendidikan min. D3 untuk Front Liners dan S1 selain Front Liners
2. IPK min. 2.75 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan 3.00 untuk Perguruan Tinggi Swasta (hanya berlaku bagi pelamar fresh Graduates dan pelamar dengan pengalaman kerja dibawah 2 tahun)
3. Usia maksimal untuk pelamar Front Liners (Customer Services dan Teller) adalah 25 tahun
4. Usia maksimal untuk pelamar selain Front Liners adalah 30 tahun
5. Bagi calon karyawan dipersyaratkan lulus tes tulis (terdiri atas tes perbankan syariah dan tes pemahaman dasar keislaman

Klasifikasi Umum Calon Karyawan
1. Khusus Front Liners terdapat persyaratan tinggi badan (Perempuan 155 cm dan laki-laki 165 cm), bentuk badan yang proporsional, serta berpenampilan menarik
2. Memiliki kemapuan untuk mengopersikan komputer (minimal Microsoft Office)
3. Memiliki kemampuan berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan (diutamakan bagi yang mencantumkan foto copy sertifikat TOEFL)
4. Mengirimkan lamaran pekerjaan, CV, Ijasah, Pas Foto 4x6, SKCK terbaru serta foto copy KTP
5. Tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga dengan karyawan / Direksi
6. Bagi pelamar yang berpengalaman minimal memiliki penagalaman 3 tahun di bidang yang sama

Keterangan Tambahan
- Hanya plamar yang lulus seleksi administrasi yang akan diikutkan pada tahap seleksi
-Setiap tahap seleksi berlaku sistem gugur
-Wajib mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar
-Selama proses seleksi tidak dipungut biaya

Lamaran dapat langsung ditujukan ke Kantor Bank Muamalat Cabang Malang
Jl. Kawi Atas No 36 A Malang (U.P HCD)


Saat ini Bank Muamalat menyediakan lowongan kerja dan mengundang putra-putri terbaik untuk mengikuti seleksi penerimaan banking staff yang akan ditempatkan di Cabang Pematangsiantar dengan posisi USP (Unit Support Pembiayaan) :

Kualifikasi :

  • Minimal tingkat pendidikan S1 jurusan Hukum
  • IPK minimal 3.00 dari universitas yang terakreditasi.
  • Usia max. 27 tahun
  • Berpenampilan menarik
  • Tinggi badan min. 160 cm untuk wanita dan 165 cm untuk pria
  • Memiliki kemampuan interpersonal dan komunikasi yang baik
  • Memiliki pengalaman dibidangnya
  • Jujur, teliti, bertanggung jawab
  • Bisa mengoperasikan komputer min. Ms Office

Jika Anda berminat dan memiliki klasifikasi yang sesuai seperti kriteria diatas, kirimkan lamaran dan data diri Anda (CV, foto terbaru, fotokopi ijazah dan transkrip nilai, serta fotokopi KTP) dengan mencantumkan kode posisi yang dilamar ke alamat :

PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia, Tbk
Cabang Pematangsiantar
Jl. Sangnawaluh / Asahan
Komplek Megaland Blok A No. 6-7

atau melalui email ke : devi.damayanti@muamalatbank.com

( Batas akhir lamaran sampai dengan 30 November 2012 )

Catatan Tambahan :

  • Hanya pelamar yang lulus dari seleksi administrasi yang akan diikutsertakan pada tahap seleksi
  • Setiap tahap seleksi berlaku sistem GUGUR
ReadmoreLowongan Kerja Bank Muamalat

Lowongan Kerja di Bank Syariah Mandiri

PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a bank, which provides depository and loan services. The bank is based in Jakarta, Indonesia. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri operates as a subsidiary of PT Bank Mandiri. PT Bank Syariah Mandiri comes as the bank that combines idealism with the business of spiritual values that underlie its operations. Harmony between the ideals of business and spiritual values that is the one of the benefits of PT Bank Syariah Mandiri as an alternative to banking services in Indonesia.

We need a proactive person who loves working with people or support others to succeed. Who proud of the work and the results of their work, and have the integrity, accuracy and self-actualization. Bank Syariah Mandiri invites professionals to fill the position:

Bank Syariah Mandiri Cabang Jakarta Cibubur mengundang professional muda untuk bergabung dan mengisi posisi :


Dengan persyaratan sebagai berikut :
1.Pendidikan minimal S1 dengan IPK min. 3.00
2.Berpenampilan menarik
3.Mampu membaca Al-Quran
4.Fresh Graduate (1, 4-7)
5.Pengalaman di pembiayaan mikro min. 1 tahun (2&3)
6.Mampu mengoperasikan komputer (Ms. Word dan Excel)
7.Bersedia ditempatkan atau berdomisili di Cibubur dan sekitarnya
8.Memiliki SIM C (1-4)

Kirimkan berkas lamaran, CV beserta foto terbaru dengan mencantumkan kode posisi pada sisi kiri ampop, ditujukan ke :


*. Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses; lamaran masuk menjadi milik Bank Syariah Mandiri dan tidak dapat dikembalikan

Sebelum 8 September 2012

sumber : jobvacancycentre.blogspot.com
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