Now we have commitment to quality and services team in head office, Branch and Representative Office to support all over Indonesia throughout the country. Backed by realiable service and technical support. We are currently looking for some of high motivated and qualified person to fill the following position:
A. Area Manager (Code: AM)
B. Representative Office Head (Code: ROH)
C. Parts Manager (Code: PaM)
D. Leader Technician (Code: LT)
E. Senior Sales Engineer (Code: SSE)
F. Technician Trainee Programe (Code: TTP)
• Max 30 years old, working experience 3 years, Good common in english both written & spoken, strong communication, good personality (A, B, C, D, E)
• Preferable experience product PEFS, Auto Lubrication & Hose Fitting (A, B. C. D, E)
• Based Jakarta & Balikpapan (A, E), Kaltim & Kalsel (B), Balikpapan (C), Jakarta, Kaltim, Kalsel (D)
• Fresh graduated SMK machine and D3 machine
Please write down position code in your apply on the top left corner of the envelope. Please sent your application in English complete with CV, recent photograph and phone number no leter than 2 weeks to:
PO BOX. 183 Balikpapan
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